Approach to the development of a mathematical model of the passive trajectory for the separated parts of a space rocket
Authors: Pachin A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #9(38)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-9-524 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control |
Keywords: mathematical model, passive part of the trajectory, ballistics, space rocket, separating part, measurement information, external factors |
Published: 18.09.2019 |
The article is devoted to practical issues of reducing the size of the falling areas of the separating parts (SP) of space rockets (SR). The factors are considered acting on the SR’s SP during their passive flight and leading to deviations of the SP flight path from the nominal. Methods for determining the quantitative values of the considered factors in mathematical modeling of flight are presented. The importance of the collection, processing and analysis of measuring information both telemetric and external trajectory is shown. An approach is proposed to the development and improvement of the mathematical model of the SR’s SP on the passive section of the trajectory taking into account the existing factors.
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