
Designing a database of Russian small spacecraft launches to collect information on space debris

Authors: Pasynkov A.A., Sveshnikova A.S., Titov O.G.
Published in issue: #6(71)/2022
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-6-799

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control

Keywords: databases, launches, spacecraft, satellite, space debris, forecasting, trend model
Published: 24.06.2022

Determining the presence and occurrence of space debris in the most demanded orbits is a very urgent task at the present time due to the severe problem of its increase. In this paper an analysis of the UCS SatelliteDatabase source for worldwide launches of spacecraft into various orbits was carried out. On its basis, a database consisting of objects, which criteria were the relevance and Russia as the country-developer, was created in MS Access. It was found that the lowest Earth orbit was the most loaded, thus it was chosen for the research. It was also revealed that domestic research as well as experimental and technological communication satellites of the Earth remote sensing are well represented among the Russian vehicles in low-Earth orbit. Based on the analyzed data and with the use of the developed database on launches of Russian small spacecraft into low-Earth orbit for the period 2011-2021, it is possible to determine the amount of space debris currently available and predicted.


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