System implementation of computer-aided design of control-diagnostic and test operations
Authors: Samsonov K.S., Sevryukova A.V., Salakhatdinova A.R., Provatorov A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #7(12)/2017 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2017-7-130 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aircrafts Development, Design and Manufacture |
Keywords: technical innovations, control and diagnostic tools, computer-aided design |
Published: 28.06.2017 |
The article focuses on the crucial problem of choosing control-diagnostic tools, including technical and economic indicators. From the phenomenological standpoint, we analyze the capabilities of functional instantiation of the relationships array representing the dependencies of the resolving power on the technological production cost. To visually represent the optimization algorithm according to the model, we consider a conditional example of determining the economically rational and optimal number of control and diagnostic tools. The conditional example shows the possibility of achieving the required level of reliability of an individual control and technological element of the general product manufacturing route by implementing a three-fold quality analysis and parrying the consequences of a possible rejection during the technological operation under consideration.
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