Digital twins in the rocket and space industry: problems and prospects for implementation
Authors: Korolev D.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(45)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-4-594 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Innovation Technologies of Aerospace Engineering |
Keywords: digital twin, rocket and space industry, rocket and space technology, spacecraft, information technology, big data, Internet of things, modeling |
Published: 21.04.2020 |
The paper presents the results of a study of theoretical, practical and regulatory aspects of the use of digital twins in the rocket and space industry of Russia. The relevance of the study is due to insufficient knowledge of the digital twins concept and of its application practice in the rocket and space industry in the Russian scientific literature. The most comprehensive definitions and types of digital twins, the group of technologies for their creation are considered. The advantages and effects of using digital twins at different stages of the life cycle of rocket and space technology have been identified. The paper describes the problems of introducing digital twins into the industry. The key problem is the complete absence of legislative regulation of the turnover of digital twins in Russia, and proposals for improving the regulatory framework are substantiated. Authors studied strategic documents of the development of the Roskosmos State Corporation for the prospects of the introduction of digital twins. It is proposed to combine the efforts of space-faring nations in the development of digital twins for deep space exploration. The necessity is substantiated of a crowdsourcing platform for uniting the efforts of the expert, professional and scientific community as a centralized location for official, working, discussion documents, an educational platform for schoolchildren and youth, a tool for popularizing space research and attracting young people to the space and rocket industry profession.
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