Simulation of hydrogen combustion in a supersonic air flow with the assumption of a single-stage chemical reaction
Authors: Miroshnichenko S.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(66)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-1-762 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts |
Keywords: mathematical model, combustion, hydrogen, supersonic combustion chamber, aircraft, assumption, one-stage chemical reaction, distribution |
Published: 17.02.2022 |
The article is devoted to mathematical modeling of the working process in a supersonic direct-flow combustion chamber using hydrogen gas as a fuel. When carrying out the calculation, an assumption was made about the single-stage chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen. The resulting pressure distribution along the wall of the supersonic combustion chamber under study is compared with experimental data. The effect of heat release on the flow pattern is analyzed. The results of the study indicate the possibility of using a one-stage model of the chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen in the preliminary calculations of the working process in a supersonic combustion chamber.
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