Method for chemical treatment of a glassceramic monoblock of a ring laser
Authors: Bolotnov A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(45)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-4-598 | |
Category: Chemistry | Chapter: Inorganic Chemistry |
Keywords: glassceramics, monoblock, ring laser, optical purity, etching, washing, optical instruments, cavitation |
Published: 30.04.2020 |
Authors formulated the requirements for manufacturing of precision optical. The main fields of application of glass-ceramic materials are listed, the use of glassceramics for a laser gyro is concretized. The composition of the CO-115M glassceramics, its basic chemical and physical properties, the theoretical foundations of the chemical technology of optical parts are considered. The paper describes original technologies of etching processes and multi-stage washing of a ring laser monoblock. The results of the work confirm the simplicity and manufacturability of the above chemical processing technologies for use in mass serial production of glassceramics and other optical materials.
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