Gas turbine chp plants usiing solid municipal waste gasification products
Authors: Selnitsyn A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(18)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-1-240 | |
Category: Ecology and Industrial Safety |
Keywords: gasification, recycling, gas turbine engine, gas turbine plant, utilization, renewable energy sources, solid municipal waste |
Published: 11.01.2018 |
The article centers around the problems of solid municipal waste (SMW) utilization. As a technological solution, the study introduces an effective method of SMW utilization by preliminary sorting, so that the secondary raw materials could be extracted for recycling and subsequent gasification. Firstly, we reviewed and analyzed low-power plants. Secondly, we substantiated the choice of gas turbine plants (GTP) as a converter of synthesis-gas chemical energy in electric and thermal energy. Finally, we did a comparative analysis of the schemes operating on SMW gasification products of a conventional low-power GTP, as well as a GTP with a changed sequence of processes. The results of the research suggest that synthesis-gas dry purification at GTP electric power 300 kW, pressure increase degree 4.5, temperature in the combustion chamber 1173 K allows for the increase in electrical efficiency of the GTP with the changed sequence of processes by 6% in comparison with wet cleaning.
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