
Joint effects of harmful factors and measures to reduce them

Authors: Shamanina E.A.
Published in issue: #3(20)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-3-279

Category: Ecology and Industrial Safety

Keywords: joint effect, harmful factors, noise, carbon oxide, nitrogen oxides, environment, aliphatic hydrocarbons
Published: 06.03.2018

According to the research conducted and calculating the emission and dumping of polluting substances made by the enterprise “Gazprom transgaz Ukhta” we introduce the results of analyzing and assessing the joint effects of the harmful factors of manufacturing and surrounding environments at the instrumentation units № 1 and № 6 of the Privodinskoe line operation section of the “Gazprom transgaz Ukhta” gas transmission pipelines. To reduce and prevent the negative impact of the emission and dumping by the enterprise, it is necessary to make provision for certain actions of eliminating the harmful influence on all areas of the environment. The research and calculations have permitted us to analyze the measures taken by this constituent company for reducing the negative impact of the production factors on the environment and workforce as well as to suggest new measures.


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