Hazard assessment of an accidental oil spill from a tank with subsequent ignition
Authors: Skvortsov A.P. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(57)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-4-690 | |
Category: Ecology and Industrial Safety | Chapter: Industrial safety |
Keywords: oil, oil products, accidental spill, hazard assessment, ignition, individual and social risk, risk distribution field |
Published: 27.04.2021 |
The article is devoted to the urgent problem of the operation hazard of oil sector facilities, in particular, a tank farm with oil reservoirs located on its territory. The authors assessed the possibility of an accidental oil spill with subsequent ignition, which poses a great danger to the environment, material values, living beings and humans. The statistical data on the accidents that occurred at the oil sector facilities, including at oil depots, are considered. The main reasons leading to accidents at the oil sector facilities are analyzed. The paper provides a description of oil reservoirs. Models of the development of possible emergency situations have been built and their calculation has been performed. The calculation and assessment of individual and social risk was carried out. Fields of individual risk distribution are constructed.
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