Problems of staff training and retraining in the conditions of production digitalization
Authors: Maslennikova Yu.L., Akhmadova Yu.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #10(27)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-10-394 | |
Category: Economics and Production Organization |
Keywords: production digitalization, unmanned production, staff training and retraining, profession, qualification, education, digital technologies, digital economy |
Published: 06.11.2018 |
Digital economy, digital production, unmanned production, digital technologies – these concepts are relevant for modern science and industry, but for the Russian production environment ideas about the prospects and problems of digitalization are still not clear enough. The purpose of the article is to present analysis results and solution options of staff training and retraining problems in the conditions of production digitalization. The concepts of “digital economy” and “digital production” are defined, basic digital technologies are listed, changes in the professional structure of the market are identified as economic and social consequences of the introduction of digital technologies. The main barriers to the emergence of highly qualified personnel in the conditions of digitalization of production are highlighted. The ways of overcoming the identified barriers associated with the educational environment, employees and their employers are indicated.
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