
The organization of time management for participants in the educational process

Authors: Shabashova V.O.
Published in issue: #3(32)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-3-456

Category: Economics and Production Organization

Keywords: time management, problems of students of higher educational institutions, self-organization, improvement of the education quality, methods and technologies of time management, increasing the efficiency of students’ educational activities, causes of lack of time, means of dealing with chronophages
Published: 01.04.2019

The necessity to use time management mechanisms in the educational process has been shown informatively in the article. It has been proved that the proper organization of time leads to the desired results. To effectively use working time, first of all one need to know what it is spent on and why there is a lack if time. The use of time management technology allows to get rid of the lack of time and permanent haste in the educational process, which affects negatively the quality of academic disciplines learning, worsens the health and emotional state of students. The higher education sets a number of requirements: a high level of self-organization, the ability to plan the day depending on the importance and urgency of affairs. Under these conditions, time management methods become indispensable assistants for students in improving their performance at the university.


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