Problems and trends in the development of the modern pharmaceutical market
Authors: Biryukova A.D. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(55)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-2-675 | |
Category: Economics and Production Organization |
Keywords: pharmaceuticals, economics, pharmaceutical market, drug labeling, methods of reducing operational risks, market regulation, supply management |
Published: 01.03.2021 |
The modern pharmaceutical market in the context of the coronavirus infection outbreak is undergoing significant changes caused by increased consumer demand for drugs. The import orientation of our country, the unpreparedness of pharmaceutical companies to introduce a labeling system provoke a market failure. The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of domestic pharmaceutical market development, changes in its volumes due to a pandemic, to identify the reasons for the stoppage of the labeling system and disruption of the logistics supply chains of pharmaceutical products, to find the optimal solution to the strategy trajectory that ensures the economic security of the market. The most effective methods of eliminating operational risks caused by violations of the supply chain of medicines against the background of increased demand are considered, market trends in its innovative development are determined.
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