Features of financing innovative projects: the experience of Russia and the USA
Authors: Gazizulina A.K. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(67)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-2-772 | |
Category: Economics and Production Organization |
Keywords: innovative project, financing, start-up, small innovative enterprise, public financing, innovative development, risk |
Published: 16.03.2022 |
The features of the systems for financing innovative projects are considered, a comparison is made on the example of the Russian Federation and the United States of America. In the modern world, a separate niche is occupied by small innovative enterprises, the basis of which is the production of innovative types of products, so their financing is given a special place in the overall financing of research and development. The main obstacles to the effective financing of innovative projects in the Russian Federation are presented. The main sources of funding for science are analyzed, statistics on the development of research and development are given. The study aims at comparing domestic and foreign experience, which makes it possible to identify country-specific aspects.
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