Research prototype of an electronic educational translation dictionary for students of non-linguistic specialties
Authors: Soloshenko K.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #12(65)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-12-759 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Pedagogy |
Keywords: educational translation dictionary, general vocabulary, highly specialized vocabulary, dictionary functions, software implementation, non-linguistic specialties, electronic dictionary |
Published: 18.01.2022 |
A research prototype of an educational translation dictionary for students of non-linguistic specialties for the study of both general and highly specialized vocabulary is presented. The current state of computer translation dictionaries is analyzed. The necessity of creating a specialized educational translation electronic dictionary for students of non-linguistic specialties has been substantiated. The functional capabilities of the created educational translation dictionary are listed, its user interface is illustrated, the stages of creating an electronic educational translation dictionary are described. The software implementation of the research prototype of the educational translation dictionary for students of non-linguistic specialties is presented.
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