Nicholas II as Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Imperial Army in the World War I according to the memories of Commander-in-chief Headquarters members
Authors: Parschin K.I. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(31)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-2-440 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology |
Keywords: headquarters, Commander-in-Chief, Nicholas II, World War I, A.A. Brusilov, A.D. Bubnov, G. Shchavelsky, K.G. Mannerheim |
Published: 11.02.2019 |
The problem of assessing the role of Nicholas II as the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Imperial Army is considered. For this purpose, the memoirs of several persons involved or directly included in activities of the Commander-in-chief Headquarters in 1915-1917 were analyzed. This is the cavalry general K.G. Mannerheim, Rear Admiral A.D. Bubnov, cavalry general A.A. Brusilov and Archpriest G. Schavelsky. The conclusion was made about memoirists’ assessments, including the opposition of the “weak” emperor Nicholas II and the “strong” grand duke Nikolai Nikolaevich. These assessments were influenced not only by the personal impressions of the authors, but also their political position, as well as the conditions in which the memories were created.
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