Life and work of A.S. Ershov – the founder of the “Russian method” of engineering education
Authors: Mkrtychian D.А. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #11(40)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-11-552 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology |
Keywords: engineering education, practical mechanics, Imperial Moscow Technical School, A.S. Ershov, mechanical engineering, industry, diary, Russian method |
Published: 18.11.2019 |
The article is dedicated to the outstanding scientist, reformer, founder of Russian engineering education — A.S. Ershov. A.S. Ershov’s work played an important role in the history of domestic technology and especially the engineering industry. He was one of the scientists of that time who followed the principle of the inseparability of theory and practice and is the founder of the “Russian method” of teaching engineering. For the first time, the biography of the scientist is described in detail. The analysis of the industry in Russia in the XIX century is conducted. The basics and methods of teaching technical sciences during this period are examined using the example of the Imperial Moscow Technical School.
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