
Social consequences of commissioning the numerically controlled machine tools

Authors: Dalechin A.S.
Published in issue: #3(20)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-3-276

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: machine tool, NC machine tool, socio-technical aspect, engineering, culture forming factor, modernization, personal degradation, culture
Published: 06.03.2018

Since the age of the USSR the numerically controlled machine tools (or NC machine tools in short) have been implemented at domestic factories. While this upgrade was attempting to “modernize” the obsolescent equipment and was not wide-scale, it had little influence on changing the nature of workers’ labor at the enterprise. The emergence of the new generation of the NC machine tools has both social and cultural components; it brings about the changes in the productive behavior as well as in the worker’s personal qualities. With the implementation of the state-of-the-art technology the image of modern specialist is also changing. How could an ordinary machine tool affect the destiny of a person, an enterprise and even a whole country? This article makes an attempt to follow this dynamics.


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