
Possibility of application of the system for medicines inclusion in erythrocytes for diabetic patients

Authors: Starchenko А.Е.
Published in issue: #12(41)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-12-559

Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences

Keywords: type 2 diabetes, erythrocytes-bioreactors, in-depth interviews, expert interviews, case studies, red blood cells, new treatments, hexokinase and glucose oxidase
Published: 25.12.2019

The article is devoted to a new method of treatment of one of the most common diseases in the world - diabetes. One of the modern methods of its treatment is the sealing of medicinal substances into red blood cells. To reduce blood glucose, substances such as hexokinase and glucose oxidase can be used. Using technology to seal these drugs into red blood cells can be an alternative treatment for the severe stages of type 2 diabetes. Along with the effectiveness of technology application, a key issue is the willingness of patients to apply new treatment methods. To assess the presumptive readiness to recommend a new method of therapy to patients, an interview was conducted with two endocrinologists, and in order to identify patients’ confidence in the technology and their willingness to use it, an in-depth interview with ten patients was conducted. The opinions of the doctors divided. One expert expressed doubt about the therapy effectiveness, the second showed interest and willingness to recommend a new method to maintain blood glucose at a physiological level. All patients expressed their willingness to apply the new technology, subject to good clinical practice.


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