Aspects of Professional Navigation of Students in the Framework of the Project "University Saturdays" In Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Authors: Komkova O.E., Kosovskii A.V., Khilkova A.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #12(41)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-12-564 | |
Category: Humanities | Chapter: Social sciences |
Keywords: career guidance work, professional navigation, educational project, master class, practical classes, professional self-determination, engineering technologies, motivation |
Published: 25.12.2019 |
The article is devoted to issues of career guidance and professional navigation of students in the framework of the project "University Saturdays" of the Department of Education of Moscow conducted in Bauman MSTU. The questions of organizing various kinds of events that contribute to the professional self-determination of schoolchildren and the choice of a further direction of study are raised: professional lectures on the topics of leading departments, master classes, and practical classes. Important in the process of conducting events is the discussion of the most important issues related to the latest achievements of science and technology with schoolchildren. It is concluded that participation in the project "University Saturdays" at the Bauman MSTU gives an opportunity to schoolchildren, students of colleges and technical schools in Moscow to gain additional knowledge in the field of engineering technology, helps in solving the problems of invention and strengthens the motivation for choosing a further engineer profession.
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