Software module for obtaining an image from a matrix photo receiver
Authors: Andosov A.I. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(30)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-1-426 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Automation, Control of Technological Processes, and Industrial Control |
Keywords: matrix photodetector, infrared spectrum, interpolation, inverse-weighted distance method, optical systems, spot scattering, point spread function, optical system aberrations |
Published: 23.01.2019 |
The article considers the problem of image reconstruction while measuring the characteristics of optical systems of the infrared range of the spectrum. Solving the problem by using a photodetector matrix as the basis of the measuring channel will dramatically reduce installation costs and increase competitiveness in the market as a result of the rejection of a large number of high-precision mechanics and of the increased control efficiency. It is researched the possibility of using mathematical methods to reconstruct an image obtained from a matrix photodetector with a size of 20–20 pixels in solving the problem of monitoring scatter spots. The analytical study and methodological calculations carried out within the framework of this work have made it possible to choose the appropriate interpolation method. The solution of the problem of image reconstruction after applying the proposed approach has showed a minimum error in comparing with experimental data. A software module was created in MatLab based on the selected method, which allows to calculate the diameters of light rings. The adequacy of the constructed computer model is verified by comparison with the solution obtained using MathCAD.
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