Laboratory stand for conducting experimental research with amplified lamps
Authors: Olisevich E.A., Vasin Yu.O. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(30)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-1-434 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Automation, Control of Technological Processes, and Industrial Control |
Keywords: laboratory stand, electron tube, vacuum tube, thyratron, field emission lamps, cathode, anode, electron beam devices |
Published: 04.02.2019 |
A laboratory stand designed for the mastering of theoretical and practical skills in working with vacuum tubes of various kinds was developed and assembled. The need to develop this stand is associated with the emerging need for the introduction of vacuum lamps to technology. The principle of operation and characteristics of vacuum tubes, their main classification and the key advantages of their application in the field of modern electronic equipment were considered in detail. Definitions of vacuum tubes parameters are obtained, graphical dependences of these parameters are given. The main methods of using a laboratory test stand to obtain various parameters and characteristics are described, which contributes to the practical learning by students of the theoretical material obtained in lectures.
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