Classification of methods in increasing image resolution over several frames
Authors: Sirotkina P.Yu. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(94)/2024 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Information Technology. Computer techologies. Theory of computers and systems |
Keywords: digital image, signal processing, super-resolution, convolutional neural networks, interpolation, reconstruction, regularization, set theory, patches |
Published: 18.11.2024 |
The paper is devoted to reviewing the methods in increasing the image resolution (the so-called, super-resolution problem) based on several frames of the same object. It considers in brief the subject area and main approaches to solving the problem. They include interpolation-based methods, reconstruction methods with regularization, methods based on the set theory, example-oriented methods (patch extraction), and methods for optimizing the convolutional neural networks. The paper provides a critical analysis of methods increasing image resolution based on several frames with identifying the areas of most efficient use based on the following criteria: computational complexity, processing quality, need for post- or pre-processing. The paper concludes on the applicability area for the considered methods. To achieve the best processing quality, it is advisable to introduce the methods based on the convolutional neural networks.
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