Analyzing aspects of the wireless technologies intellectualization
Authors: Spiridonova A.V., Veselov M.D. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(90)/2024 | |
DOI: | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Information Technology. Computer techologies. Theory of computers and systems |
Keywords: networks, telecommunication technologies, communication channels, internetworking, artificial intelligence, network technologies, network processes, telecommunications development |
Published: 26.02.2024 |
Network technologies development establishes that artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important factor in their growth. Artificial intelligence is able to raise customer services quality, ensure more efficient use of the resources, and improve the network security. The article considers positive impact of the artificial intelligence on various aspects of the network technologies. Currently, artificial intelligence is one of the main technological trends being actively introduced in various spheres of the human activity, including the network technologies. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to improve the customer service quality, accelerate the decision-making processes and reduce the error risk. One of the examples in using artificial intelligence in the network technologies is automation in processing large volumes of data, which could significantly accelerate the decision-making process and reduce the data processing time.
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