The information security threats conditioned by incorrect password selection
Authors: Sukhorukova N.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(31)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-2-444 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: Methods and Systems of Information Protection, Information Security |
Keywords: information protection, information security threats, password compromise, password cracking methods, password entropy, password resistance, password rating, password selection |
Published: 15.02.2019 |
Nowadays, the protection of information, processed in computer networks against hacking and embezzlement, is very relevant. One of the most common ways to obtain unauthorized access to information, is password cracking. The article describes the history of the passwords use in the protection of computer data, methods of their hacking and the password resistance to hacking. It is shown that the password stability is determined not only by its length, but also by such factors as the power of the alphabet, used for its creation, the frequency of changing passwords, the logical “unpredictability” of a password (i.e. the rejection of the use of frequently used words and shortcuts). The password vulnerabilities due to incorrect user actions during passwords creation, were analyzed. The recommendations were formulated on the basis of this analysis, that allow to counter the threats of information security caused by password compromise.
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