
Classification of the traffic flow mathematical modeling methods

Authors: Semina V.A.
Published in issue: #2(19)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-2-247

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics

Keywords: modeling, traffic flow, transportation network, multiagent systems
Published: 24.01.2018

Due to the expansion of the transportation networks it becomes more and more challenging to analyze their operating parameters such as traffic capacity, average speed and rate of vehicles traffic flow on the chosen legs of the route, as well as the efficiency and volume of freight traffic etc. In this regard, we have analyzed the existing traffic flows formalization methods. It is estab-lished that the most popular one is a multiagent modeling method. Due to the consideration of the traffic participants’ individual characteristics, for example, the speed in the traffic flow, it allows us to develop a model close to the reality. This approach can be improved with the object of considering the drivers mental and physical condition impact on the decisions that they make.


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