Voice pitch frequency detection via spectrum peaks search with additional frequency weight functions
Authors: Zhukova A.B., Maslennikov A.L. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #12(41)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-12-556 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics |
Keywords: speech recognition, voice pitch frequency, formants analysis, voice spectrum, smoothing filter, frequency weighted functions, Savitzky-Golay filter, spectrum peaks |
Published: 19.12.2019 |
In speech recognition problems two main tasks are related to determination of the voice pitch frequency and formants frequencies. Using those frequencies, the exact phoneme could be recognized with some probability. In this paper the method of determination voice pitch frequency is described. Method is based on known idea of finding spectrum peaks but with addition of spectrum smoothing and frequency weighted functions of two types. Those types are exponential and linear. The described method was applied to the set of experiments with three men and three women. The results shown that there is exists the critical cut-off frequency of the smoothing filter and that the incorporating frequency weighted function increase accuracy of the voice pitch frequency determination.
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