
Analysis of functional modeling means for designing information systems

Authors: Simonov M.F., Guzilov A.V., Korostelev V.M.
Published in issue: #6(47)/2020
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-6-616

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics

Keywords: software design, CASE-tool, quality assessment, quality metric, software, functional model, IDEF0 notation
Published: 08.06.2020

The aim of the work is the rationale for the selection of CASE-tools for functional modeling for the design of information systems. The relevance of the study is due to the large number of software on the market, which creates the problem of choosing a CASE-tool for a specific project. The analysis is carried out of functional modeling software tools that support IDEF0 notation presented on the Russian software market. During the study, the installation and construction of test functional models were performed for each of the CASE tools selected for analysis. Based on the conducted experiments, a brief review of CASE-tools was compiled with a description of their main functional characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. To conduct a comprehensive quality assessment and justify the choice of CASE-tools, a quality metric based on the results of experiments was developed. The developed quality metric is presented, as well as the results of a comprehensive quality assessment and software classification. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, recommendations are given on the selection of CASE-tools for a specific software project.


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