
Comparative analysis of modern systems for 3D modeling of physical objects

Authors: Vinogradov D.A.
Published in issue: #3(56)/2021
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-3-685

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics

Keywords: 3D modeling, 3D editors, computer graphics, software, visualization, animation, game development, Autodesk
Published: 08.04.2021

Computer modeling technologies are widely used to represent objects in the real world. Many software and hardware tools are currently used to build 3D models of physical objects, but not all of them are publicly available and provide the capabilities necessary for solving a specific problem. This paper considers the most popular existing computer systems for 3D modeling of physical objects. A comparative analysis of the features of each system is carried out. Methods are considered for obtaining a 3D model of an object using images of this object, as well as using 3D scanning technology. It is concluded that one of the simplest and most accessible software tools is the Blender 3d application, and the most effective and accurate method for obtaining a 3D model based on an existing object is the 3D scanning method.


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