
Microcontroller control system for the layout of the railway crossing

Authors: Martynyuk P.A., Bychkov B.I.
Published in issue: #8(61)/2021
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-8-725

Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics

Keywords: layout, railway, microcontroller system, level crossing, rail crossing, traffic light, barrier, track relay, Wemos
Published: 26.08.2021

The principle of constructing layouts of railway crossings based on a microcontroller system is considered. A number of train detection methods are analyzed: detection using an ultrasonic distance sensor, a switching contact and a travel relay. A modified method is proposed, in which a simplified rail circuit is used with the connection of a track relay to one rail. The implementation of the layout based on the proposed method is described, indicating the components used: relays, servos, signal elements. The microcontroller operation algorithm is developed and described. The layout is made on a Wemos D1 mini board with an embedded ESP8266EX microcontroller. The layout can be used to demonstrate typical railway crossing processes.


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