A method for determining an object from a limited sample based on a fuzzy description in natural language
Authors: Bryanskaya E.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #1(78)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-1-856 | |
Category: Informatics, Computer Engineering and Control | Chapter: System Analysis, Control, and Information Processing, Statistics |
Keywords: natural language, natural language text processing, ontology, “bag-of-words”, vectorization, TF-IDF, fuzzy duplicates, cosine similarity, semantic network, syntactic graph |
Published: 15.02.2023 |
The article is devoted to solving the problem of determining an object from a limited sample by a fuzzy description in Russian. The developed method consists in combining two main approaches to solving typical problems in this area, one of which is based on a statistical algorithm, and the second is based on the use of a semantic network. Each of them requires its own ontology. To form the knowledge base of the first stage, the adapted TF-IDF method is used, for the second, a set of syntactic graphs is taken as a basis. Cosine similarity is used to find fuzzy duplicates between the user's query and the knowledge base created in advance. The paper investigates the influence of the sample size on the similarity measure and the accuracy of the object definition. The proportion of requests to the second step of the proposed method is also evaluated, including in order to determine what percentage of these requests falls on an incorrect assumption made at the first stage.
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