Trends in the development of background dosimeter before
Authors: Tsoy D.O., Khodzhich D., Pogulyaka D.I. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(81)/2023 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2023-4-890 | |
Category: Instrument Engineering, Metrology, Information-Measuring Instruments and Systems | Chapter: Instruments and Measuring Methods |
Keywords: ionizing particles, dosimeter, Geiger counter, radiation, semiconductor, dosimetry, X-ray, scintillation crystals, ionizing chambers |
Published: 11.05.2023 |
The work is devoted to the study of trends in the development of dosimeters, as well as to determine their relevance in the modern world. The features of their structure and use are given, a comparative analysis of dosimeters of various types is performed. Individual wearable dosimeters are used to measure the absorbed dose of continuous and pulsed gamma and neutron radiation, control external exposure for the purpose of early diagnosis of the degree of acute radiation injuries of personnel exposed to gamma-neutron radiation, as well as to ensure control of exposure of personnel involved in liquidation work consequences of radiation accidents and maintenance storage of radioactive waste. That is why it is important to understand the types and features of wearable dosimeters, as well as to have an idea about the correct choice of a dosimeter depending on the situation.
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