Public enterprises: legal status, features of creation and functioning
Authors: Bayush A.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #12(29)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-12-420 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Civil and business law |
Keywords: state enterprises, unitary enterprises, property, the right of operational control, state administration, state airport enterprises, the economy public sector |
Published: 10.01.2019 |
Since the realities of the modern market economy are not perfect, the maintenance of state enterprises as part of the economy public sector is more than relevant. The origins of state enterprises have been examined in the article, historical and legal analysis of their formation has been carried out, the classification by various civilists has been given. Also the legal status of state enterprises in the Russian Federation legislation has been determined, the principles and features of their functioning have been listed. Some ideas about such unitary state enterprises functioning, about the responsibility they bear for their obligations, are given on the example of federal state airport enterprises. An example of the analyzed court practice, reflecting the principle of the implementation of the mechanism of responsibility by obligations at state airport enterprises, is given.
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