Comprehensive forensic examination: problems of legal regulation
Authors: Efimov I.P. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(55)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-2-678 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Civil and business law |
Keywords: forensic examination, expert, forensic expert activity, comprehensive examination, expert opinion, regulations, criminal procedure code, commission examination |
Published: 23.03.2021 |
The article is devoted to the comprehensive forensic examination as one of the forensic examinations types. This study considers the legal regulation of a comprehensive forensic examination in various regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. The paper provides relevant information regarding the examination by one forensic expert with knowledge in different areas of expertise and the possibility of conducting an examination by him alone. Based on the study, conclusions were drawn about the possibilities and features of a comprehensive forensic examination by one expert.
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