Features of legal protection of honor, dignity and business reputation on the internet
Authors: Malkina Т.О. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #9(62)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-9-731 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Civil and business law |
Keywords: civil law, protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, virtual media, dissemination of defamatory information, the Internet, refutation of inaccurate information, civil liability |
Published: 06.09.2021 |
The essence and features of the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of citizens defamed on the Internet have been investigated. It is shown that there are two main reasons that prevent the establishment of the dissemination fact of defamatory information on the Internet: the legal illiteracy of the plaintiff, who did not provide admissible and reliable evidence of the offense, and the difficulty of identifying the proper defendant, since the virtual space guarantees users confidentiality and anonymity. The conclusion is made that due to the absence of a direct definition of the Internet status in the legal space, it is necessary to fill this gap by making an amendment to the law "On Mass Media".
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