Administrative and legal regulation under pandemic conditions by the example of concert activities
Authors: Gulyaeva Yu.R., Rodygina D.R., Demina U.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(70)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-5-790 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Civil and business law |
Keywords: jurisprudence, administrative and legal regulation, administrative process, administrative responsibility, concert activities, concert events, coronavirus disease, pandemic, self-isolation regim |
Published: 22.06.2022 |
This paper considers the dynamics of entry into force of regulatory acts concerning the administrative regulation of concert activities during the coronavirus pandemic. It describes the actions of state authorities regarding the limitation of concert events during the COVID-19 pandemic. The legal basis for regulating the organization of concerts is investigated and an example from practice reflecting the reaction of the administrative authorities to the detected violations is presented. The conclusion about non-systematic regulation in the issue of administrative and legal regulation of concert activities is formulated. It is proposed to introduce regulatory legal acts at the federal level that can improve the situation in the sphere of concert activity regulation in order to streamline the legislation in this matter.
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