Methodical bases of research of supposedly malicious software within the framework of forensic computer technical enquiry
Authors: Bayush A.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(34)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-5-473 | |
Category: Jurisprudence | Chapter: Criminal Law and Criminology |
Keywords: forensic enquiry, forensic expert, expert evidence, special knowledge, forensic computer technical enquiry (FCTE), malicious software (malware), malware classification |
Published: 14.05.2019 |
The main guidelines for the study of supposedly malicious software in the framework of forensic computer-technical enquiry (FCTE), designated by authorized bodies and officials, are considered. The method of expert research is determined, methodological bases (recommendations) of the research as a whole are given, a parallel is hold between the concepts of “virus” and “malware”. The general classification of modern malicious programs is presented and their general analysis is performed. The algorithm for the production of FCTE is described in the study of malicious software as a whole and its properties separately as an object of study for this forensic enquiry.
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