
Classical ideas about principles of the theory of limits

Authors: Askerova A.A.
Published in issue: #3(20)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-3-275

Category: Mathematics | Chapter: Computational Mathematics

Keywords: formula, limit, principle, theory, space, infinitude, attribute, sequence
Published: 06.03.2018

The article presents limit theorems that have a conditional character. We provide not only full justification of the theory of limits principles based on the previously developed real numbers theory, but also the evidence that these principles are equivalent. It is shown that all the four principles are equally applicable for proving the general analysis theorems. In order to solve the problems on limits of sequences the Cauchy, Weierstrass and Cantor principles are adjusted better than the Dedekind principle. The Cantor and Dedekind theorems are proved for the number scale, where by the points are meant the numbers, and by the segments – some sum-total numbers. The statements of the theorems are understood literally, as referring to the ordinary segments and points on the geometrical rather than on the number scale. These statements are the consequences of the definitions and axioms accepted in geometry.


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