Secondary pressure waves with underwater disturbance
Authors: Ivanova E.M. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #3(32)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-3-453 | |
Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body |
Keywords: underwater explosion, shock wave, stratification, boundary conditions, compression, sea surface, gas bubble, gas pressure |
Published: 20.03.2019 |
The results of researches related to the study of the main phenomena of an underwater explosion are presented. The description of the main effects of underwater explosion on hydrodynamics is given. It is shown that the nature of the propagation of a disturbance depends on the physical and chemical properties of the explosive. Equations of motion of a compressible fluid are obtained in various formulations for integration within the volume bounded by the front of the shock wave and the surface of the rarefaction wave, which follows the compression wave at some distance. Waves of compression and rarefaction intersect on a free sea surface, in the vicinity of which the conditions of rapid expansion are satisfied. The boundary conditions are derived from the equations of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy.
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