
Experimental solution of the Buquoy problem

Authors: Domnyshev A.A.
Published in issue: #12(41)/2019
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-12-553

Category: Mechanics | Chapter: Mechanics of Deformable Solid Body

Keywords: Buquoy problem, chain, variable mass system, variable composition system, Meshcherskiy equation, Newton’s second law, damped oscillations, fluid resistance
Published: 12.12.2019

The article presents the results of an experiment on solving the Buquoy problem of chain motion under the action of a constant force applied to its end. An original technique was used in the experiments, according to which the movement of the chain was studied in liquid (water), and the buoyancy force of the float attached to the chain was used as a constant force. Such a conduction of experiments made it possible to reveal the damped nature of the oscillations of the float-chain system when the system is displaced relative to the equilibrium position. To interpret the experimental data, we used the classical solution of the Buquoy problem. The differential equation of chain motion as a system with variable mass (variable composition) under the action of constant force is solved by numerical methods. A comparison of theoretical and experimental data is made. The assumptions used to obtain the equations of motion, accepted in chain mechanics, are discussed.


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