Experimental research into the vertebrae ultrasonic perforation
Authors: Sayfutdinova M.S., Borde A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #7(24)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-7-352 | |
Category: Medical sciences | Chapter: Medical equipment and devices |
Keywords: ultrasound, surgery, transpedicular system, biomechanical trials, spinal column, puncturing, bone tissue, cortical layer |
Published: 06.08.2018 |
Various diseases and injuries of the spinal column may become the reason for damaging the nervous structures, which brings about serious neurological complications up to the paralyzation of the limbs and organs. That is why it is necessary to enhance the surgical intervention technologies in vertebrology. The authors have carried out experimental research into the vertebrae ultrasonic perforation when preparing a duct for the pedicle screw installation. The work quantitatively estimates the force necessary for puncturing the vertebra’s cortical layer with the ultrasonic tool under the different amplitude of oscillation of its operating tip. For the trials under conditions close to reality we chose a sheep’s vertebra of the thoracic spine as a model of the bioobject. The perforation of the bone tissue was performed both with the ultrasonic oscillation superposition on the tool, which has resonance oscillation frequency 25 kHz, large amplitude 53 µm, small amplitude 15 µm, and without the ultrasonic oscillation superposition. It is shown that when the tool’s tip penetrates into the bone by 1 mm, the force of puncturing the vertebra’s cortical layer of the sheep without the ultrasonic superposition (83,5 ± 37,2 Н) almost twice exceeds the force (47,5 ± 40,8 Н) needed for puncturing the cortical layer at the amplitude of the tool’s operating tip 15 µm, and in 4 times (24,6 ± 36,9 Н) at the amplitude of 53 µm. Experiments show the performance ability of the idea of applying the ultrasound when preparing a duct for the pedicle screw installation into the vertebra.
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