Research of materials for the physical model of the prostate gland with adjacent tissues
Authors: Barkhatova S.I., Belikov N.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #11(40)/2019 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2019-11-548 | |
Category: Medical sciences | Chapter: Medical equipment and devices |
Keywords: physical model, adipose tissue, prostate gland, uniaxial stretching, Young’s modulus, tensile strength, ultrasound instrument, laparoscopic prostatectomy |
Published: 08.11.2019 |
When conducting laparoscopic prostatectomy, there is a risk of damage to blood vessels and nerves, which can have a negative impact on the most important functions of the genitourinary system, therefore, the designed systems for minimally invasive surgery should be tested on physical models. This paper considers materials that can be used for physical modeling of the prostate gland and surrounding tissues. For some of them, Young’s modulus, maximum elongation under tension, and tensile strength were experimentally determined. The influence of the amplitude of oscillations of an ultrasonic instrument on the rate of destruction of biological tissue is investigated.
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