Trendwatching as an effective method in industrial and graphic design
Authors: Egorova E.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(70)/2022 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2022-5-791 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Industrial Design |
Keywords: design, trends, industrial design, graphic design, design research, trendwatching, design thinking, design engineering |
Published: 22.06.2022 |
The article describes the actual method of trend research - trendwatching, its content and significance as applied to design, in particular to industrial and graphic design. The varieties of trends are identified, the key methods and techniques of trend research are characterized. The designer’s role in the field of trends is defined and summarized. The universality of trendwatching is proved and demonstrated by examples of student works in the spheres of industrial and graphic design. In the field of industrial design, trends in terms of form and trends in terms of color and texture, as well as their application, are considered. This method is evaluated from the perspective of design activity and its role in the process of design and creation of the final product is shown.
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