Types of tools for rolling production and design techniques for such a tool
Authors: Burkov P.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #5(46)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-5-609 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Forming Technologies and Equipment |
Keywords: metal rolling, corrugated board, rolling, rolling mill, roll forming, roll forming mill, rolls, CAD system |
Published: 26.05.2020 |
The work is devoted to a review of rolling types, rolling mills and the corresponding tool, as well as a review of existing design techniques for rolling mills and tools. The main types of metal rolling are presented: bar, pipe, sheet, special; their key properties are considered. The types of sheet and special metal rolling are described in more detail. A brief classification of the varieties of rolling technology, rolling mills and the main rolling tool — rolls is given. It is noted that the geometric shape of the rolls and the complexity of their design depends on the complexity of the desired profile, and the most complex profiles can be obtained on roll forming mills. A brief overview of the software market is presented, allowing to solve the problem of designing rolling and roll forming mills and the corresponding tool. Various methods of designing a rolling tool and roll forming are considered, confirming the relevance of tasks in this area.
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