Study of the strength of laminated composite materials with stress concentrators in the form of grooves
Authors: Lipatov A.S. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #8(49)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-8-633 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Inspection and Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering |
Keywords: stress concentration factor, finite element method, composites, prepregs, fiber composites, ANSYS Workbench, double-sided external groove, tensile test |
Published: 07.09.2020 |
The widespread use of composite materials in various branches of technology requires the development of a universal approach to assessing the strength of the material. This approach is mathematical modeling of material behavior under load. Strength assessment was carried out in the course of comparative analysis of two approaches: the traditional one, based on well-known analytical expressions, and the modern approach, implemented using the ANSYS software package.
The results of the study are presented on the example of assessing the bearing capacity of a sample made of a laminated composite material with double-sided grooves. The construction of the model was based on the passport data of the layers and the scheme of their laying. The load is assumed to be progressive tensile, the grooves on the samples are double-sided, made with a given geometry. The model developed in this article can serve as a basis for the subsequent design of a number of parts, in particular aviation ones.
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