
Introducing the flywheel batteries in the wind power industry

Authors: Oydinskaya S.V.
Published in issue: #1(96)/2025

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science, Drive Systems, and Machine Components

Keywords: flywheel batteries, wind generator, wind power, energy recovery, electric generator, braking system, braking device, super flywheel
Published: 14.02.2025

Wind power is a rather promising industry, which main drawback is the instable power generation and significant power losses during braking. This problem could be solved using the flywheel batteries. They would accumulate the braking energy and give it to the system when needed. The paper provides the statistical data showing the increasing role of wind power in the world market and indicating the need for its development in the Russian Federation. It notes main advantages and disadvantages of this energy sector. The paper describes the wind generator and flywheel structure and operation principles, and substantiates the need to use the flywheel power storage systems particularly in this power industry.


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