A test-bench for the propelling screws of small-size submersibles
Authors: Melnikov A.I., Drogaytsev I.A. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #6(23)/2018 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-6-333 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machine Science, Drive Systems, and Machine Components |
Keywords: test-bench, testing the propelling screws, torque measurement, screw thrust measurement, sensor, propeller screw, submersible, electric motor, microcontroller Arduino |
Published: 18.06.2018 |
We have developed a test-bench for testing the propelling screws of small-size submersibles. This test-bench allows taking the characteristics of propelling screws and electric motors as well as monitoring over the cavitational phenomena occurring during the operation of propelling screws. The article proposes a lever circuit of measuring the axial force (thrust) of the screw, ensuring the high speed of the sensor response. We have designed a gear belt drive for the propelling screw gear from the electric motor placed above the water. The gear ensures a wide range of gear ratios (from 1 to 10) due to the removable idler pulley. On the basis of microprocessor Arduino UNO we have developed a system of sensors, allowing us to register such parameters as the screw thrust, the torque on the motor shaft, electric motor shaft speed, current and voltage in the electric motor winding. A computer program for the propelling screws testing process visualization has been written. We produced the essential portion of the stand parts by means of the 3D-print method using the SLS and FDM technologies. The primary benefits of the test-bench designed are the possibility to use it in any water area and the simplicity of design, which along with the compactness allows for using the test-bench in nearly all the laboratory conditions.
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