Improving efficiency by changing the switching moment in the acceleration — braking cycle
Authors: Lobacheva E.F. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #4(45)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-4-602 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machines, Units and Processes |
Keywords: lifting-and-transport machines, rescue device, transient operating modes, acceleration, braking, energy consumption, efficiency, economic efficiency |
Published: 08.05.2020 |
An assessment of the economic qualities of lifting-and-transport machines is presented on the example of a swinging cylinder mechanism with hydraulic drive. The idealized acceleration — braking cycle is considered, which allows to evaluate the parameters of the machine under the most unfavorable operating conditions. It is shown that an assessment of economic efficiency can be obtained by solving a number of sequential tasks, an example of their calculation is given. It is concluded that the method of reducing energy consumption by changing the moment of switching from acceleration to braking in a lifting-and-transport machine is efficient and does not increase the structure cost. The estimation of the efficiency of the lifting-and-transport machine is given, recommendations are given on increasing the cyclic efficiency of the lifting mechanism. Thus, the methodology for controlling the moment of switching from acceleration to braking can be used in the design and calculation of the mechanisms of lifting-and-transport machines.
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