
Material modification for antifriction bearings

Authors: Shebeshev K.I., Ivanov I.M.
Published in issue: #2(19)/2018
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2018-2-260

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical Processing

Keywords: ceramics, antifriction bearing, silicon nitride, pressure sintering, density, porosity, solidity
Published: 12.02.2018

The article considers a technological process for getting the material and manufacturing the workpieces of the antifriction bearing ceramic bodies. It investigates the composition of the powder ceramic material containing silicon nitride, yttrium oxide and aluminium oxide as well as sintering additives. By means of the microanalysis methods we have examined the composition of ceramics. We have developed a process flow pattern for pressure sintering of the ceramic rolling bodies’ workpieces including three stages: 1) preparation of the material in the planetary mill up to 3 µm degree of dispersion with afterbaking; 2) making the press forming by means of compacting the charge material powder in the steel dieset; 3) producing the workpieces by means of pressure sintering of the pressings in the graphite dieset.


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