Improvement of the technological process of pinion shaft production by implementation of the adhesive compound in its design
Authors: Panchekhin D.A., Zakharova M.E. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #2(43)/2020 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2020-2-576 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical Processing |
Keywords: pinion shaft, adhesive joint, adhesive composition, shear strength, curing time, assembly sequence, joint strength, laboriousness of assembly work |
Published: 11.02.2020 |
The process is considered of testing the adaptability of the design of the drive pinion shaft included in the gearbox of the rototiller by applying an adhesive composition. This innovation shortens the routing process for processing such a part, while turning it into an assembly unit. An economic assessment of the effectiveness of the decision was made, as well as an assessment of the complexity of the implementation of this method. The calculation is presented of the necessary strength of the adhesive joint, sufficient for the performance of the service unit and the product as a whole. The adhesive compositions of foreign and domestic manufacturers recommended for the type of compound considered are analyzed. A block diagram is proposed that reflects the algorithm of the technique for choosing the adhesive composition. Based on the calculations and analysis of the products, the best adhesive composition for the case considered was selected.
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