Method for determining local properties of parts from spatially-reinforced composite materials
Authors: Shkaranova S.V. | ![]() |
Published in issue: #6(59)/2021 | |
DOI: 10.18698/2541-8009-2021-6-705 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical Processing |
Keywords: composite materials, finite element method, strength theory, instrumental indentation method, Hertz problem, contact strength, effective elastic modulus, material fracture models, carbon-carbon composite material |
Published: 24.06.2021 |
Currently, the creation and updating of non-destructive testing methods for composite materials are becoming more and more popular. In this paper, the method of instrumental indentation and the features of its application to composites are considered. A numerical calculation of the indentation process was carried out according to various strength criteria using the Ansys software package. Based on the data obtained, two groups of criteria were identified for the area of material destruction. In the future, this division will help to select the criteria for calculating the contact strength correctly and analyze the fracture of composite materials when using the method of instrumental indentation.
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